Setup the Information Security Offices of the two leading Banks in Cyprus from scratch and advanced them as appropriate.
Established metrics to measure cybersecurity (KPIs and KRIs) and setup a dashboard to better communicate the thresholds and actual values.
Developed the cybersecurity strategy oat two financial institutions upon agreement with all stakeholders, the BoD and the Regulators.
Managed the tactics and its implementation to completion.
Member of the EUCS Ad-hoc working group.
Discussing and influencing the components of the scheme.
Developed the Information Security Policies (High level and specific ones) after reviewing with internal and external stakeholders and aligning them with regulatory frameworks.
Setup security controls in line with ISO27002, NIS2, GDPR, EBA Guidelines. PCI DSS, PSD2, Secure Controls Framework.
Assessed defined controls following a Capability Maturity Model, developed reemediation plan and monitored its progress to completion
Developed a DLP strategy and programme. Recruited an enteprise wide DLP system (covering data in motnion, data at rest, data in use) and put it in operation with a large number of rules in place.
Designed and implemented a Security Incident Response Plan (SIRP) and a Securitty Incident Response Team (SIRT)
Established the risk assessment framework in line with ISO27005 and carried our respective risk assessments.
Established a security awareness program:
> in-class
> e-learning
> through phishing simulations,
Setup the framework for a 24x7 Security Operations Centre covering technology, people and processes pillars.
Managed the penetration test program covering external, internal and social engineering scenarios.
Developed the Information classification scheme, defined information owners and classified all information. Developed then controls to protect this information.
Defined a vulnerability and patch management program with daily scanning of systems, setup of patching cycles and monitoring of metrics.
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